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Judge: Hilary Gilpin (Otterbobs)

Entries: 155 dogs, making 178 entries, plus 7 NFC

Dog CC & Best In Show: Benattivo Charlie Brown

Reserve Dog CC & Reserve Best In Show: CH Yorkpiece Fiery Lucifer

Bitch CC & Best Opposite Sex: Liatch Madame Pommery at Wilholme JW

Reserve Bitch: Smalesmouth Cadence

Best Puppy Dog & Best Puppy In Show: Dassett Igglepiggle

Best Puppy:Bitch: Stineval Sasha

Best Veteran: CH Smalesmouth Skylark

Results & Critique

A very big thank you to the SBTC for inviting me to judge this very well run show, to Marina for stewarding and to the exhibitors for entering under me.

Minor Puppy - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st - Ravenside Play The Game Kersfell (Mrs M Sneddon)

6 month old and quite a live wire for the handler, decent head and ears, lovely reach of neck, level top line when stood still, plenty of coat, good hind angulation, needs time to settle.

2nd - Tyneotter Bolt From The Blue (Mrs N Anderson)

8 moth old very dark BL/T leggier pup than 1st, he has a harsh jacket, ribs well back, moved out and shown well, just too tall for me,

Puppy - Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 0

1st - Dassett Igglepiggle (Mrs S Spafford)

Light grizzle, decent head properties, tidy harsh coat, good bone and level top line, high tail set, lovely length of body with ribs well back, he is up on the legs, hope he has finished growing, shown and handled superbly.

2nd - Redesholt Han Solo (Mrs S McKay)

Slightly smaller in type but correct size, loved his masculine head, short strong muzzle, which was lacking in the minor class, harsh coat with thick pelt.

3rd - Karison Kirsch (Miss K Johnson)

Res - Bonosue Lee Van Cleef at Spanwise (Mr I A Hardman & Mr P Brandwood)

VHC - Hawcoat Solo Soldier (Mrs E J & Miss R C Larner)

Junior - Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 1

1st - Glebeheath Oh Boy JW (Mrs J Guvercin)

Another dog with correct head proportions ears close to cheeks, dark eyes, strong neck leading to well laid shoulders, correct tail set and short carrot like tail, dead straight front and front legs, moderate bend of stifle, moved freely to and fro, nicely turned out.

2nd - Benattivo Woody At Ploughdown (Mr E & Dr M Armstrong)

BL/T with ticking, slightly heavier in build than 1st but he was in a harsh thick coat, strong muzzle with big white teeth, another masculine head level topline and correct set on of tail, good bend of stifle, made the most of his movement around the big ring.

3rd - Chorbeck Curtain Call (Mrs H Haughton)

Res - Foxfactor Spick 'N Span At Northborders (Miss J North)

VHC - Normbar Beretta (Mr P Armstrong)

Yearling - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st - Stineval Lambert JW (Mr A & Mrs C Horner)

Lovely headed dog, strong in muzzle and correct dentation, good length of neck leads straight into well-muscled shoulders, level back with a short harsh coat, deep in body with a defined tuck up, moved steadily front and rear.

2nd - Ravenside Run To Me At Sandyfaulds (Mr G Grassie)

Grizzle coated dog of nice proportions, ok in head but prefer a shorter muzzle, he has a thick double jacket, correct tail set and carriage, deep in body and spannable, placed him 2nd as I preferred movement of 1st

Novice - Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1st - Chorbeck Curtain Call (Mrs H Haughton)

What a masculine head this dog has, broad skull short strong muzzle and big teeth, under his thick double red jacket was quite a nicely built body, correct for size and weight, movement free and easy.

2nd - Ravenside Play The Game Kersfell (Mrs M Sneddon)

see 1st in MPD

3rd - Karison Kirsch (Miss K Johnson)

Res - Bonosue Lee Van Cleef at Spanwise (Mr I A Hardman & Mr P Brandwood)

Graduate - Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st - Duke of York Fiery Lucifer To Stowthorney (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green)

BL/T with ticking, coat just coming through, ok in head, again I would like a shorter muzzle, a lovely slim dog right through his body, ribs are well back, straight narrow front, standing on thick pads. Up to size, movement was free flowing.

2nd - Chesterton Merlot (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)

light red with a harsh tidy coat, broad skull, dark correct shaped eyes, I liked his size over the other two, 1st was tall and 3rd was too small for me, decent length of neck leading to good shoulders, ribs ok strong in the loins, with good hind angulation, a little wide in hind movement.

3rd - Raedwulf Daybreak JW (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)

Post Graduate - Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 1

1st - Benattivo Charlie Brown (Mrs S J & Mr C P Girling)

My star of the day, very typical otter shaped head, neatest of ears, neck sloping nicely in to well laid shoulders, enough depth of body for his age, straight narrow front, just right amount of tuck up, well-muscled and nice bend of stifle, harsh double grizzle jacket of great texture, pelt pliable and thick.

2nd - Cobstoneway Stand By Me JW (Mr R & Mrs J Stevens)

Grand type, well made, strong headed male, broad skull dark eye and pigment, short muzzle another with great presence, slim body ribs well back standing on neat tight feet, I liked him a lot, two very handsome boys.

3rd - Raedwulf Nightfall JW (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)

Res - Rockslade Romeo’s Revenge (Mr K Phillips)

VHC - Kentixen Mint Imperial At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)

Mid Limit - Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1st - Beaconpike Dionysus (Mr S & Mrs K Golding)

Harsh coated grizzle with plenty of it, head and skull ok, good length of neck and body, nice and slim spannable which won him his place over 2nd.

2nd - Glen Mara Oh Viedo At Kersfell JW (Mrs M Sneddon)

masculine head with a broad skull, short muzzle, depth and length of body ok, ribs well back, straggle jacket not looking its best.

3rd - Rhozzum Worrick (Mrs M Sharp)

Res - Prince Rainbow Blue (Miss R Bevan)

Limit - Dog Entries: 12 Absentees: 2

1st - Barkanellie Blackadder (Mr I & Mrs J Taylor)

Lovely headed dog, nicely proportioned, strong in the neck, correct size and length of body, straight front and front legs, coat just coming in but harsh enough, tail set could be better.

2nd - Cedarhill Dish Of The Day For Dexlin (Mr B & Mrs L P Inness)

my notes say- close call between these two, slightly shorter in body length, he has a nice length of neck leading into lovely well placed shoulders, racy hind quarters which made him move easy front and rear.

3rd - Thornheswin Huntsman (Mr. J.C.Dixon)

Res - Knowecrag Tam O'shanter By Irton (Mr D & Mrs A Fryer)

VHC - Gwynfe Carreg Glas of Foxchapel (Mr W & Mrs V Davies)

Open - Dog Entries: 9 Absentees: 1

1st - CH Yorkpiece Fiery Lucifer (Mrs J L Lee)

The best BL/T coloured dog today his ticking is 1st class, a very alert 4-year-old show dog, masculine head with plenty of face furnishings making his face and cheeks look wider than it is. Small ears close to cheeks, lovely length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, slim front and front legs, very neat and tidy feet, short carroty tail never stops wagging.

2nd - Etterbern Sloane Ranger (Mr L Reynolds & Miss S Marston - Pollock)

A 7 year old stronger built than 1st, correct amount of bone another masculine head broad skull with a better short strong muzzle than 1st, decent length of neck leading to nice shaped shoulders, correct depth of body as was his tail set and carriage, set high and straight, plenty to like about him, well handled, coat was ok for texture, true movement with drive.

3rd - CH Awbrooksky Never Back Down JW (Mr R & Miss L Goddard)

Res - Ir CH Bohamer Blue Storm Anch’19 Ir Jun CH Bdsg’19 (Mr A & Ms J Rock & Wallett)

VHC - Keebank Just In Time (Mrs L Keeffe)

Veteran - Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 2

1st - Mysulan Going Solo JW (Mrs S J Baxter)

dark BL/T with a good head shape, neat ears and strong muzzle, good length of neck reaching easily to well laid shoulders, slim built but good body length with racy hind quarters, nice set on of tail and carriage moved free and easy

2nd - Ch/Nl Cib Ch Delin's Blue Diamonds Burghley (Mr P B G Storm)

a grizzle coated dog, looks thicker in bone than 1st and heavier, both dogs moved around the ring effortless.

3rd - Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM (Mrs H Haughton)

Res - Blue Duke Of Cumbria At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)

Special Open Working Dog or Bitch Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Minor Puppy - Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 4

1st - Stineval Sasha (Mr A & Mrs C Horner)

7-month-old light red, short of coat today, feminine head of correct proportions for one so young, I liked her narrow front and straight front legs, level top line with a good high set tail, moderate hind angulation and steady movement.

2nd - Irton Marmalade (Mr D & Mrs A Fryer)

dark grizzle 6 ½ month old, this one had plenty of coat, another with a good head, short muzzle, good bone standing on tidy feet, nice to see the younger ones free standing.

3rd - Otterpaws The Thunder Rolls (Miss A M Dixon)

Res - Hollyherd Platinum Jubilee (Mrs W Shepherd)

Puppy - Bitch Entries: 10 Absentees: 5

1st - Stowthorney These Days (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green)

grizzle bitch with straight front and fine boned front legs, easily spannable as she is slim and narrow throughout, broad skull with neat ears, dark eyes, kept her top line level on the move, good bend of stifle with high set on of tail. Hope she has finished growing.

2nd - Karison Kampari (Miss K Johnson)

she was lacking coat today or these two could have swapped places, nice and slim with a good length of body slightly smaller in height than 1st, I liked her lines but her coat let her down, both bitches needed their feet tidying up to make them smaller.

3rd - Fevstone Rosie Posie (Ms M Masefield)

Res - Daeargi Heatwave (Miss R Bevan)

VHC - Keebank Platinum Queen (Mrs L Keeffe)

Junior - Bitch Entries: 17 Absentees: 7

1st - Carrock Carvetti (Ms J Fawcett)

Always a difficult class is junior but this bitch came 1st for her correct body length, feminine head and correct shaped dark eyes, short muzzle, a good reach of neck and well laid shoulders, ribs well back and decent tuck up, harsh coat and thick pelt, good upper arm made her reach out on movement.

2nd - Haystoun Cosmic Dancer At Paleside (Mr D & Mrs D Mitchell)

BL/T a real feminine type, a little bit narrower in muzzle than 1st, she has wonderful shoulders, good hind angulation and moved steady, A nice bitch with plenty to like especially her tail set, and good bone.

3rd - Alcumlow Monet's Garden (Mr P, Mrs B & Miss R Barber)

Res - Glenaig Gleeful (Miss C Spencer)

VHC - Earthwise Andromeda (Mr E Houston)

Yearling - Bitch Entries: 11 Absentees: 0

1st - Bohamer York'ist Celeste By Tythrop (Mrs J L Lee)

another well turned out BL/T from this kennel, harsh coat with a pliable thick pelt, straight narrow front right amount of bone, I loved her length of body which B/T’s should have, ribs well back, level back and correct set on of tail, good hind angulation, moved ok when settled.

2nd - Tojamatt Lacemaker (Mr & Mrs D Matthews)

Light red, narrow body very spannable and light in weight, ribs well back racy hind quarters, tended to lean inwards when on the move

3rd - Thornheswin Northern Lass (Mr J C Dixon)

Res - Northborders Chianti (Miss J North)

VHC - Havencroft Emerald Via Kewhaigh (Mrs N A Cummins)

Novice - Bitch Entries: 12 Absentees: 2

1st - Stowthorney These Days (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green)

see puppy bitch

2nd - Alcumlow Monet's Garden (Mr P, Mrs B & Miss R Barber)

BL/T, harsh coated, well bodied, thicker boned than 1st, she has a good broad skull and a short muzzle, big white teeth, nice reach of neck, good upper arm which showed on the move, well bent stifle standing on small feet.

3rd - Karison Kampari (Miss K Johnson)

Res - Daeargi Heatwave (Miss R Bevan)

VHC - Rhozzum Jesse (Mr R G Thomas)

Graduate - Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 2

1st - Rhozzum Wood Lark At Daeargi (Miss R Bevan)

This bitch was placed 1st as she did have some coat, her reach of neck leads to well laid shoulders, deep body and a good length of body with ribs well back, decent tuck up standing rather straight in stifle, as she has finer bone than 2nd.

2nd - Otterpaws Red Red Wine (Mrs J M Dixon)

came 2nd as she had no coat, nice broad skull and dark eyes and pigment, a little rounder in ribs than I would like, moved steady.

3rd - Howthwaite Gertrude (Mr P Oakman)

Res - Nottorg Nekesa (Mrs A Taylor)

VHC - Foxwater Miss Adventure At Dejurra (Mrs A E Pitt)

Post Graduate - Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 2

1st - Mysulan Rhapsody In Blue (Mrs S J Baxter)

BL/T another balanced bitch, good length of neck leading to a good lay of shoulders, a real Ottery head small ears well set and close to cheek, straight backed and one of the best tail sets today, short tail as well, standing on tight small feet, hind legs stood a little too far back but in profile and movement it was fine.

2nd - Rockslade Russian Roulette JW (Miss G Lowe & Mr T Miles)

a light red, nicely headed bitch with a broad skull, another with a short strong muzzle, deep in body and moderate tuck up, wider in thighs than 1st, coat in good order.

3rd - Chesterton Notre Dame With Plushcourt (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)

Res - Northborders Pinot to Thornyhurst (Mrs L Illingworth)

Mid Limit - Bitch Entries: 9 Absentees: 1

1st - Liatch Madame Pommery at Wilholme JW (Mr D Shields & Ms I Glen)

Been waiting to get my hands on this bitch and she didn’t disappoint me, she is certainly the correct size for a bitch, typical Ottery head, lovely bite and ear placement, smooth shoulders which run straight into her level back good loins and perfect set on of a short carrot shaped tail, good hind angulation hocks well let down which propelled her into that steady drive, she was slim and fit.

2nd - Orangebox A New Hope At Itsaso (Miss L Tanton-Joy)

a stronger built bitch with plenty to like, she has a double coat was thicker than 1st, she has good bone, and was alert and moved well coming and going, feminine head with that varmity look, good clean teeth and thick pelt.

3rd - Remony Fallen Embers (Mrs B Wakefield)

Res - Thistlemead Sundance JW (Mrs P M Heeley)

VHC - Borderxpress Echo Beach (Mr R Wright)

Limit - Bitch Entries: 16 Absentees: 5

1st - Smalesmouth Cadence (Mrs J Roberts)

light harsh coated grizzle with a lovely head and small neat ears, she too is slim with a good length of body with ribs well back, she looks balanced and moved out true.

2nd - Barkanellie Flashheart (Mr I & Mrs J Taylor)

slightly smaller bitch with coat just coming in, she has a good front with straight front legs decent tuck up strong in the croup and would prefer a better tail set.

3rd - Bluebabel Gypsy Heart (Mr K P & Mrs N B Yeates)

Res - Tarkaswell Sea The Stars (Mrs C E Sansom)

VHC - Hawcoat Patience (Mrs E J & Miss R C Larner)

Open - Bitch Entries: 9 Absentees: 6

1st - Goldenmill Illusion at Vandamere (Miss J Singh)

A rich red coated bitch, coat was a bit short but what was there was ok, good head properties with a good bite, a slim bitch deep in body but very spannable, fine boned with a level top line perfect set on of tail and moved out steadily.

2nd - Carrock Curiosity JW (Ms J Fawcett)

Red bitch with a better harsher coat than 1st, stood on very small feet with thick pads, straight front deep body, ribs well back but rounder than 1st, nice length of body strong loins and moved soundly.

3rd - CH Mansergh Paint The Dream (Miss A Roslin Williams)

Veteran - Bitch Entries: 10 Absentees: 1

1st - CH Smalesmouth Skylark (Mrs J Roberts)

very grey now but she has a most wonderful double coat with a thick pelt, beautifully balanced body just right loved her type, she still has the moves.

2nd - Crosby Dark Duchess At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)

Oldest veteran bitch here today, she too has a thick pelt, typical border head with a short muzzle, teeth are still there, good leg bone and she moved like a youngster

3rd - CH Cobstoneway Love Song JW ShCM (Mrs G Stevens)

Res - Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)

VHC - Borderxpress Miss Potter (Mr R Wright)


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