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Members Limited Show 2019

Southern Border Terrier Club Limited Show 3rd March 2019

Judge: Mrs Karen Stockley (Foxfactor)

87 Dogs 98 Entries

Limit show winners 21019
Top From Left Best Puppy Dog Larner's Hawcoat Super Trooper - Best Puppy Peacock's Ragatam Essence - Judge Karen Stockley (Foxfactor) - Reserve Best Dog Guvercin's Glebeheath Just a Gigolo - Reserve Best Bitch De Boorder's Mulberry Blossom For Boorderway Bottom From Left Best Veteran Waller's Question Master - Best Bitch & Best In Show Ramus' Onthill Daydreamer - Best Dog, Reserve Best In Show & Best Oposite Sex De Boorder's Boorderway Monkey Puzzle

Full Results & Critique

I would like to thank the Southern Border Terrier Club committee for inviting me to judge their show and for the lovely gift, a day I thoroughly enjoyed with some lovely exhibits to have the pleasure of going over. A big thank you to my stewards Jill Stevens and Tina Morgan who very efficiently kept the classes running smoothly throughout the day. Thanks also to all the exhibitors who entered and those present on the day.

I found a great percentage of the exhibits in good muscle tone and condition, coats as always at different stages but many in good harsh double jackets, disappointingly quite a few thin pelts and a lack of real carroty tails, just a couple with incorrect dentition and one kinked tail. All dogs were entire and all dogs and bitches displaying good temperaments in the ring. I was pleased with both my final line ups. There were some lovely puppies forward which I love judging and some close decisions there.

Best In Show & Best Bitch Onthill Daydreamer

Reserve Best In Show Best Opposite Sex & Best Dog Boorderway Monkey Puzzle

Reserve Best Dog: Glebeheath Just a Gigolo

Reserve Best Bitch: Mulberry Blossom For Boorderway

Best Puppy & Best Puppy Bitch Ragatam Essence

Best Puppy Dog Hawcoat Super Trooper

Best Veteran Question Master

Minor Puppy Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Brookbeech Wild Boy (Mr P Shephard) almost 8months gr, a good head not overdone with correct dentition, moderately broad skull with neat ears, loose pelt with coat still coming, narrow right through with good length of rib, Front movement needs to settle but looks promising in profile going around.

2nd Howthwaite Gentil Duke At Tilmoray (Mrs M Small) 8 months b and t in good jacket with good b and t colour coming through over a loose pliable pelt. Not quite the head piece of 1 but has a keen expression from dark well shaped eyes. Correct dentition. Overall a nice puppy with lots to like, moved soundly and has drive from his well angulated rear assembly.

Puppy Dog

Entries: 10 Absentees: 2

1st Hawcoat Super Trooper (Mrs E J & Miss R C Larner) 10 months b & t, a lovely head on this puppy, good fill under the eye with strength in his muzzle, kind but keen expression, correct bite with big teeth. In plenty of good harsh b and t coat which covers a thick loose pelt which makes him appear bigger than he is. Straight front, well ribbed back, moves true coming and going holding a good top line. Best Puppy Dog

2nd Borderby's Return To Sender For Clipstone (Miss E & Mrs J Jackson) 9 months gr shown in plenty of good double coat almost past its best, close up to 1st and could change places another day, similar remarks as winner, a good size, easily spanned, correct length tail giving a balanced picture in profile, stands up well on neat feet and moved well going around.

3rd Arizcrow Back In Black (Mrs J Butler)

Res Cedarhill Front Of House (Mr F & Mrs H Freeman)

VHC Grizzledale King Of War (Mrs M J Medhurst)

Junior Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Glebeheath Just a Gigolo (Mrs J Guvercin) gr one day under 15 months, A nice type shown in good harsh coat. Pleasing head with good dentition, moderately broad skull with well-placed ears, stands up on neat feet, spans well and has enough length and strong loin, a good length tail held well on the move. Reserve Best Dog.

2nd Stowthorney Wicker Man (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green) gr not long out of puppy, different in type to 1, lovely ‘otter’ head with keen expression from dark eyes. well balanced dog, pleasing on the eye, narrow right through, easily spanned, in good muscle tone, workmanlike with great attitude, could easily change places another day, sadly lacking coat today, moved well.

3rd Mansergh Elevenses At Rhozzum (Mrs M Sharp)

Maiden Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1st Brookbeech Wild Boy (Mr P Shephard) 1st in Minor Puppy Dog See above.

2nd Chesterton in Focus (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney) 13months gr, Nice type shown in good double jacket, good dentition, masculine head with good ear placement, straight front, nice length neck, well ribbed back, just spannable, rather unsettled on the move but once settled moved well both ways.

3rd Baillieswells Ncn'ean (Professor A S Milton)

Res Roxambor Space Shuttle (Mrs L Dixon)

Novice Dog

Entries: 7 Absentees: 0

1st Boorderway Monkey Puzzle (Miss H De Boorder) 19 months gr, a lovely type, this boy is up to size but a balanced dog who fills the eye, masculine head of correct proportions, good dentition with strength of muzzle, shown in good harsh double coat, well shown and presented ,spannable and well ribbed back into strong loin with his good length tail coming straight off his back, a sound true mover, one of the best of the day ,I liked him a lot and have on occasions observed exhibits in the lower classes that I thought could have done better on the day and was pleased to award him this class, Best Dog, Reserve Bet in Show and Best Opposite Sex

2nd Cedarhill Front Of House (Mr F & Mrs H Freeman) gr over 11 months, res in a strong PD class, a lovely type with a masculine well-proportioned head, good scissor bite and strength of muzzle, moderately broad skull, stands up on neat feet, overall a well-balanced dog with good muscle tone and a good coat and pelt, well presented, just preferred the more positive movement of winner today.

3rd Twigglestone Steps To Heven (Mrs L I Aldous)

Res Chesterton in Focus (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)

VHC Mansergh Elevenses At Rhozzum (Mrs M Sharp)

Graduate Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 2

1st Dallas Dhu by Onthill (Mr R & Mrs A Ramus) 15 months dark gr workmanlike young dog with a great attitude, handy size, good head with correct dentition, straight front, good length neck flowing into good shoulder placement, neat feet, easily spans, well ribbed back into strong loin, sound, true mover moving with drive from well angulated rear assembly.

2nd Stowthorney Wicker Man (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green) 2nd in Junior Dog, see above, close up to winner in this class and could change places another day.

3rd Borderstream Zodiak (Mr & Mrs S Ward)

Limit Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1st Chatmoss Bullet Tooth Tony JW (Miss J Hughes & Mr M J L Kendrick) Tony 3 and a half years gr of lovely type with an ottery head, good dentition, neat ears lying close to cheeks, straight front, good shoulders, stands on neat tight feet, spans well, shown in good harsh double coat with thick pelt, correct length carroty tail which he holds well, moves true all ways. Overall a well-balanced pleasing dog

2nd Borderstream Zodiak (Mr & Mrs S Ward) 21 months gr good ottery head, good dentition with big teeth, dark eye with keen expression, coat not at its best today, enough length, spans well, overall a nice dog, just preferred the overall maturity and balance of 1.

Open Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1st Breckgreen Soldier Blue (Mrs. J. Green) 6 yr b and t, another nice type, fit workmanlike dog in fit hard condition, good shape dark eye with keen expression, good dentition, narrow racy dog who comes to hand well, good for bone, shown in excellent harsh tight jacket, easily spans, good in rib, well set tail and the best mover in class.

2nd Orangebox Dark Energy (Mr M & Mrs T Anscombe) 3 years b and t, bigger type than winner and not as easy to span, he has a good masculine head with good ear placement, correct dentition and strength of muzzle, dark eye with keen expression, stands well on neat tight feet with thick pads, straight front, good length of rib into strong loin. well set on tail, shown in good harsh jacket with thick pelt, another workmanlike dog who moves well all ways, well handled, just preferred the overall size of winner.

3rd Clipstone Starshine (Miss E & Mrs J Jackson)

Res Kirk Keld Rambler At Hollyfell (Mr M Giles)

Veteran Dog

Entries: 6 Absentees: 3

1st Question Master (Mrs S Waller) 7 years red still showing enthusiasm, happy dog with a strong masculine head with good strength of muzzle and fill under the eye, correct bite. straight front with good angulation fore and aft, stands on neat, tight feet, good coat with thick pelt, ribbed well back, still spannable, sound mover as were all 3 in this class, so nice to see veterans moving well.Best Veteran.

2nd Dandyhow Douglas Fir (Mr T & Miss K Wrenn & Langdon) 8 years b and t with a good coat of correct colour. a good headed masculine dog with a keen expression, correct bite, straight front with good shoulders, good length of rib, moved fluently and true with a good tail set which he held well going around.

3rd Renaissance Rhododendron (Miss L E Westland)

Special Garw Open Working Dog or Bitch

Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Minor Puppy Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1st Bandicoot Avenger (Mrs V L K Docwra) 8 months gr, a lovely class to start the bitches with, this puppy is well balanced for her age, has a feminine head and good body lines, correct bite, good ear placement, shown in good coat with a loose pliable pelt, moved well all ways, I’m sure she’ll have a bright future.

2nd Dandyhow Pandora (Mrs K Irving) just 7 months and what a pretty bitch she is, also well balanced for her age, nothing not to like, lovely feminine head with a sweet expression, correct bite, good length neck into well placed shoulders, shown in good coat with pliable loose pelt. good length and shape tail carried well, sound mover, another I’m sure has a bright future and will watch with interest, I see they are both by the same sire and could swap places on another day.

3rd Reedbeck Kittyhawk Of Arunmere (Miss J Hughes & Mr M J L Kendrick)

Res Moor Farm Bellwether At Rubyfin (Mrs S J Channer)

Puppy Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1st Ragatam Essence (Miss T Peacock) Essence 9 months gr, another lovely feminine bitch with a good head, moderate broad skull with good ear placement, correct big teeth, keen expression from dark eyes, lovely body lines, small neat feet, another in good coat with pliable loose pelt, has fluent ground covering movement, another one to watch, pleased to award her Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy in Show.

2nd Earthtaw Kafir Lily (Miss J A & Mr M W V Haydon & Gibbings) 9 months gr, similar in type to 1 and unlucky to meet her today. Similar remarks apply as she also has a feminine head with good teeth, straight front, well ribbed back, easy span, shown in good coat, also a good sound mover with correct tail set. I was spoilt for choice and I hope she does well too.

3rd Grizzledale War Of The Roses (Ms M J Medhurst)

Res Hawcoat Step in Time (Mrs E J & Miss R C Larner)

Junior Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1st Onthill Daydreamer (Mr R & Mrs A Ramus) Onthill Daydreamer almost 16 months red, a lovely workmanlike handy size bitch, really liked her overall appearance. she has an ottery head with keen eye and expression. good dentition, everything in moderation, straight front, small, neat tight feet, shown in the best of tight, harsh jacket over a thick pelt. easily spans, ribs carried well back into strong loin, moves true with drive from her well angulated hind construction. Comes to hand well, could surely do the job she was bred for if called upon and I was pleased to award her this class, Best Bitch and Best In Show

2nd Clydebeck Garnet (Mr M & Mrs S & Miss J Taylor) 13 months gr of similar size to 1st, another of handy size with a good feminine ottery head, correct bite, neat small well-placed ears, feminine head, narrow right through with good rib length, easily spans, also in good coat with pliable pelt. unlucky to meet 1st in such good form today, just preferred the head and hind movement of 1st.

3rd Lady Shirley Temple (Miss L J Brown & Miss K L West)

Maiden Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 2

1st Dandyhow Pandora (Mrs K Irving) 2nd in Minor Puppy Bitch, see above

2nd Rhozzum Gambol 5 year old gr, feminine bitch but not such a good head as 1st, would like more fill under the eye, she has a keen expression, good dentition, in good harsh tight jacket over a loose pelt, well ribbed back, easily spans, well angulated fore and aft and moved well

3rd Lady Shirley Temple (Miss L J Brown & Miss K L West)

Novice Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Emblehope Butterbean (Mrs K A Dean) 17 months b and t, feminine headed bitch of good proportions with correct bite, in good coat with loose pliable pelt, enough length of rib, spans well, moved well both ways when settled.

2nd Reedbeck Kittyhawk Of Arunmere (Miss J Hughes & Mr M J L Kendrick) 6 months gr, a neat bitch of good size, correct bite, keen expression with dark eyes, stands up well on neat, tight feet, shown in good double coat, spans well, preferred the head and hind movement of 1st.

Graduate Bitch

Entries: 7 Absentees: 2

1st Rhozzum Whim (Mrs M Sharp) 2 years red, ottery head with keen expression from dark well shaped eyes, correct dentition, a good size, narrow right through, clean shoulders, well ribbed back, spans well, shown in enough coat, pliable, loose pelt. like her hind angulation which allowed her to move with drive when settled, a lot to like.

2nd Boorderway Crimson Maple (Miss H De Boorder) 19 months gr who appeared big but was deceiving as she was in really good double jacket. A lovely headed bitch with good dentition, a well-balanced bitch of good proportions, thick pelt under her good coat, well presented, moved well with drive, another with a lot to like.

3rd Ragatam Chit Chat (Miss T Peacock)

Res Gameway French Fancy Avec Orangebox (Mr M & Mrs T Anscombe)

VHC Twigglestone Somethin Else For Lessien (Miss S J Pateman)

Limit Bitch

Entries: 8 Absentees: 3

1st Mulberry Blossom For Boorderway (Miss H De Boorder) 4 years gr, dam of second above, another good headed bitch with good dentition, nice fill under the eye, moderately broad skull, good length of neck into good shoulders, straight front, neat, tight feet with good pads, another presented in good double coat over a thick pelt, a thick well set on carroty tail held well on the move, overall a nice bitch who moves well. Reserve Best Bitch

2nd Foxcourt Amber Spirit Gambler (Ms S P Greenway) 2 years gr of handy size and proportions. Nothing exaggerated, feminine head with dark eyes giving a keen expression, correct dentition, her coat today looked a bit patchy but had plenty of harsh top coat over a loose pelt, good in the rib, easy span, stands on neat feet and moves well.

3rd Clydebeck Solitaire (Mrs S & Mr M & Miss J Taylor)

Res Onthill La Rock At Grizzledale (Mrs M Medhurst)

VHC Abisu Domino (Mr C Kerry & Miss L E Westland)

Open Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1st Argentail Titania by Onthill (Mr R & Mrs A Ramus) 4 years red with a lot to like, typical of this kennel, a handy size who comes to hand well, ottery head with keen expression from dark eyes, correct dentition, built on narrow racy lines, another who could do her job if called upon, shown in super tight ,harsh jacket, a true mover ,she holds a good top line going around. Much to recommend her.

2nd Chesterton Boutique (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney) 5 years gr, another nice bitch of good proportions with a lot to like, presented in good coat, head fits the breed standard being ottery with dark eyes and keen expression, straight front, good shoulders, well ribbed back and easy to span. Moved well once she settled and covers the ground well. Unlucky to meet 1 today.

3rd Tilmoray Turtle Dove (Mrs M Small)

Res Badgerbeck Dance the Blues (Mr M Giles)

Veteran Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 2

1st Tilmoray Turtle Dove (Mrs M Small) Dove 7 years b and t, one I have judged several years ago. under a big jacket of good colour, she is a nice bitch to go over, feminine head with keen but kind expression, well ribbed back, spans well, moves well if lacking a bit of enthusiasm!

2nd Bromsden Bairnkine Brogue (Mrs L J Vintcent) at 10 years the oldest Veteran in Show, b and t of good size and shown in good harsh top coat, good front and shoulders neat tight feet, feminine head with keen expression, spans well, would prefer a bit more length of rib, still moving well with plenty of enthusiasm, enjoying herself.


Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1st Larners brace, b and t litter siblings moving well together which secured 1st place from 2 other nice braces.

2nd Sharps brace, a typical pair of reds from this kennel playing their handler up going around mostly in tandem !

Karen Stockley (Judge)


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