Open Show
Steventon Village Hall, The Green, Steventon, OX13 6RR
Judge: Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan/Sulan)
Entries: 67 dogs making 84 entries

Best In Show: Tulawyn Garretson by Onthill
Reserve Best In Show: Botterox Flint JW
Best Opposite Sex: CH Orangebox A New Hope At Itsaso ShCEx
Best Puppy: Glebeheath Jolene
Best Veteran: Chatmoss Bullet Tooth Tony JW VW
Oldest Veteran: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Best Dog: Tulawyn Garretson by Onthill
Reserve Best Dog: Botterox Flint JW
Best Puppy Dog: Arunmere One In A Million
Best Veteran Dog: Chatmoss Bullet Tooth Tony JW VW
Best Bitch: CH Orangebox A New Hope At Itsaso ShCEx
Reserve Best Bitch: Brankell Angeleyes At Nantcoch
Best Puppy Bitch: Glebeheath Jolene
Best Veteran Bitch: Gameway French Fancy Avec Orangebox
I must start by thanking the committee for the invitation to judge at this lovely venue. The weather was kind to us and judging was able to take place outside, a fact I know so many exhibitors enjoy. My thanks also must go to my stewards, Rachel and Rhianne Mitchell, they certainly kept things running smoothly and were a big help keeping me on track! Thanks ladies!
As usual, my gratitude to all who gave me entries and were able to turn up on the day, all very much appreciated.
I was presented with an array of lovely specimens and some classes made for some tough decisions. Several times I wished there were more red cards to award. The standard, I found, was very good and there was quality in depth in most classes. All males were intact, I found no kinked tails and most mouths were acceptable, coats, as usual, were in differing stages of growth and texture. All were spannable.
Special Beginners Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st Pebbledyke Prelude Cum Fairhambrook (Mr P Tomlinson)
12 month old grizzle boy. Good handy size, well assembled, angles fore and aft good. Head is still developing but is of good shape and proportions. Coat of nice texture. He is very proud of his tail on the move, that may settle a little with maturity.
2nd Onziemehurst The Red Baron (Miss A Nettle)
A raw puppy of 6 months, has potential but needs time to grow and develop, head not as advanced as the 1st. Nice length of rib and loin, angles ok. Coat of good texture, a baby with plenty of time on his side.
Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Onziemehurst The Red Baron (Miss A Nettle)
Puppy Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Arunmere One In A Million (Mrs S and Mr J Wilks)
11 month old grizzle,  nice masculine headpiece with lovely dark eye. Wasn’t doing himself justice whilst stationary but on the move he made a nicer picture.. Rib and loin complimentary, tail set ok, short on coat but texture was evident.  Front angles good. Movement OK.
2nd Onthill Island Rover (Mrs V A Markall)
10 months, another nice grizzle youngster. Head still developing but of nice proportions. Moves well and angles are well formed, another day and these two placings could be reversed.
3rd Pebbledyke Prelude Cum Fairhambrook (Mr P Tomlinson)
Junior Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Onthill Island Rover (Mrs V A Markall)
See PD
2nd Manorcroft True Statesman At Martifers (Mr M & Mrs J Sharp)
Just over a year old, nice looking smaller cast dog, still developing, nice jacket and well presented. Rear angles ok, a little more upright in the front. Moved well, on the day just preferred head on 1st.
Yearling Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Botterox Flint JW (Miss S L Hillman)
Stood alone in his class but very worthy of his placing. Super smart grizzle boy, lovely head piece,with good ear set and nice skull width. Good dark eyes of correct size. Great jacket and very well shown and presented. Well proportioned and moved efficiently. Nice carroty tail to complete the picture.Went extremely well in the challenge and I was pleased to award him Reserve Best Dog
Novice Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st Onthill Midnight Storm (Mr R & Mrs A Ramus)
Workmanlike dog with nice head, excellent dentition. Well set ears. Angles fore and aft correct. Liked his length of rib. Great coat. Moved well, although a little bit unsure of him self. Could definitely do a job of work out in the field.
2nd Baillieswells Kilchoman (Mrs A Morgan)
A slightly larger cast dog, good angles front and rear, covered the ground well. Topline and tail set ok. Good coat texture. Not quite the strength of head as the 1st.
3rd Arunmere One In A Million (Mrs S and Mr J Wilks)
Res Pebbledyke Prelude Cum Fairhambrook (Mr P Tomlinson)
Graduate Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Ragatam Master Dreamer (Miss T J Peacock)
Nice sized boy, comes to hand very well. Carrying a thick coat of good texture but under that coat were some very good proportions. Well put together. Good head and found that I particularly liked his shoulder and neck configuration, a smooth transition. Nice topline and tail set. Moved well.
Post Graduate Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Ragatam Master Dreamer (Miss T J Peacock)
See GD
2nd Rufus The Best (Mrs R Loch)
Grizzle dog, 6 years of age, quite nice proportions. A little bit up on the leg but otherwise ok. Good jacket with desired texture. Moved ok. Well presented and seemed to be enjoying his day in the sun.
Limit Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Bluebabel Border Song JW (Mr K P & Mrs N B Yates)
Handy sized boy well put together, good proportions. Pleasant head piece with good set of sizable teeth. Nice length of neck which transitions into narrow front with correct depth of brisket. Angles fore and aft are good which allowed for an effective, ground covering stride. Well shown and presented.
2nd Digmoor Turn The Page (Mr M P & Mrs S V Regan)
Another nice dog, a little up on the leg but good and narrow throughout. Nice head with good proportions, ears a little larger than ideal but the lack of stop on a strong masculine head was indeed great to see. New coat was in its early stages but there was good texture to be found. Moved well.
3rd Rufus The Best (Mrs R Loch)
Open Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Tulawyn Garretson by Onthill (Mr R & Mrs A Ramus)
3 years old grizzle. A dog I have admired from ringside, it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to go over him, I  was not disappointed. A lovely size grizzle boy with a great head piece. Skull width and fill under the eyes was excellent, no exaggerations in any way. Ear set good, nice  alert expression. Good under jaw strength. Narrow front that was lovely and straight.  Ribbed well back and strong in loin. Angles good front and rear, well let down hocks. Lovely neat feet. Moved effortlessly around the ring and his overall balance was  hard to ignore. Pleased to award him Best Dog and eventually BIS.
2nd Botterox Chaos (Miss S Hillman)
Nice 5 year old B&T. Strong head  of correct proportions, lovely set of teeth to enable him to carry out his work. Great  deep coat with super hard texture. Angles good both ends, ribs and loin complimentary as desired. Tail and topset good and moved out well.
3rd Baillieswells Kilchoman (Mrs A Morgan)
Veteran Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Chatmoss Bullet Tooth Tony JW VW (Miss J Hughes)
First judged this  boy as a puppy and it is hard to believe that he is 9. He wears his age very well and  there is still a lot to like about him. He has a masculine head with correct proportions,  great teeth and ear set on a strong skull. There is a lovely harsh jacket and generous pelt which covers the still flat ribs and strong loin. Moves out well for his age and  pleased to be able to award him BVIS.
Special Open Working Dog or Bitch Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
Special Beginners Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Fisherbloom Killer Queen At Thistlewhiss (Miss A J Sutton)
5year old grizzle, first impressions were all good, nice looking girl. Head ok with feminine expression, would like to see a little more underjaw and fill to the under eye region. Body a good length, pelt and coat ok, ribbed well back, front straight and narrow,, tail set and topline good. Moved out ok.
2nd Kensesqui Junitoite By Fairhambrook (Mr P Tomlinson)
Another similar bitch, nice to go over and several of my comments above could be applied here. Moved ok, maintained topline on the move. Nice tail size and set on well, extending  from the spine. On another day it is possible that these placings might be reversed.
3rd Queen Charlotte (Miss H M Chaplin)
Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 4
1st Thistlestone Kiss Of Fire (Mr S Whisker & Miss J May)
Two beautiful puppies in this  class and a hard decision to split them, think these two will have a nice future ahead of  them.. I have written in my notes for # 1, lovely 7 month old very pretty head,  expression, ears and ear set.. Super jacket and moves well for one so young Â
2nd Botterox Astri (Miss S L Hillman)
Real baby at 6 months and a couple of days, a lovely pup all round, jacket and pelt good, angles front and rear, sweet feminine head and expression, on the somewhat uneven ground these two puppies made their movement look good and literally took it in their stride. Tough call, as I could have given two red cards.
Puppy Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st Glebeheath Jolene (Mrs J Guvercin)
Another lovely puppy. 7 months  old and well on her way   Just a delight to go over, super coat on excellently  proportioned structure, beautiful straight front, just right amount of bone, sweet head  and expression. Ears of good size and well attached.. Good angles fore and aft, moved out very well, showing good reach and drive for one so young. The cherry on top was a short carroty tail  I consider myself lucky having so many lovely youngsters to go over but this one just could not be denied.. Pleased to award her Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Otterholme Under The Stars (Ms T Jones)
A B&T 10 ½ month old girl, unlucky to meet the first today. Another nice type of youngster, pretty head, ears appear a tad bigger but will hopefully fit in better once the back skull is done growing. The angles good, front and back, lovely jacket and pelt. Well ribbed back.. Moved well once she settled.
3rd Bluebabel A Good Heart (Mr K P & Mrs N B Yates)
Res Kensesqui Junitoite By Fairhambrook (Mr P Tomlinson)
Junior Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Ragatam Daydreamer JW (Miss T J Peacock)
At the risk of repeating  myself, another 2 lovely examples of the breed. Very tidy bitch of super proportions,14  months, nice head piece with sweet expression, good straight front, lovely rear angles . Jacket harsh and deep, plenty of pelt. Tail set and topline great, moved very well. Shown and presented in tip top form.
2nd Earthtaw Peony (E.Larner, J.Phillips & R.Larner)
Yet another lovely young lady, 14 month old grizzle Nice head with good dentition. Great proportions, loved her rib and loin size and configuration  coat, pelt etc all good. Rear angles slightly better than front, a little short in the upper forearm at this stage of her development. Moved well. Again Very well shown and presented.
Yearling Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Arunmere Artemis (Mrs A Parsons)
21 months. Handy size grizzle girl nice in profile, very well balanced and not overdone. Headpiece feminine with not  too much stop, has a decent ammount of underjaw. Neck leads into well angulated  front. Well ribbed back, coat and pelt good. Moved out well
2nd Clydebeck Layla's Gem (Mrs S A & Miss J A Taylor)
Similar age to first another nicely proportioned example, head feminine, front angles ok, just a little straight in the stifle in the rear configuration. Great coat and pelt   moved well.
3rd Blackthorn Winter (Miss S Waller)
Novice Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 3
1st Bluebabel A Good Heart (Mr K P & Mrs N B Yates)
11 month, trim looking grizzle girl. Very nice head and expression with good ear size and placement. Elegant neck transitions into nice shoulders, narrow body, good length of rib. Really nice tail set and topline. Excellent new jacket. Moves well and gives 100% to her handler.
2nd Earthtaw Peony (E.Larner, J.Phillips & R.Larner)
See JB
3rd Kensesqui Junitoite By Fairhambrook (Mr P Tomlinson)
Graduate Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st Otterholme Under The Stars (Ms T Jones)
See PB
2nd Thistlestone Winter's Gold JW (Miss M Whisker)
Really handy sized grizzle bitch, Well put together with no exaggerations, lovely proportions. Shown with a great coat with super texture.Plenty of pelt.Feminine head piece with good set of teeth in place. Moves very well, shown to best advantage by her skilled young handler.
3rd Onziemehurst Milly Earhart JW (Miss A Nettle)
Res Arunmere Nighthawk (Miss J Hughes)
VHC Blackthorn Winter (Miss S Waller)
Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 0
1st Glenaig Gleeful (Miss C Spencer)
2½ yrs old grizzle..Nice headpiece with sweet feminine expression, neat crisp jacket. Lovely straight and narrow front. Nice ammount of bone. Good topline, stacked and on the move. Tailset correct, angles fore and aft good. Covered the ground well.
2nd Digmoor Solar Aquarius (Mr M P & Mrs S V Regan)
Nice sized, dark grizzle, approaching her fourth year. Another workmanlike bitch. Lovely harsh jacket. Headpiece ok, would like to see slightly smaller ears. Moved ok.
3rd Fisherbloom Killer Queen At Thistlewhiss (Miss A J Sutton)
Res Onthill Amaretii Rock (Mr R & Mrs A Ramus)
VHC Otterwood Leda Of Lyndham (Mrs J D Elliott)
Limit Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 4
1st Brankell Angeleyes At Nantcoch (Mrs J M Phillips)
Handy sized grizzle bitch approaching 3 years. Very feminine head and expression. Well shown and presented. Lovely tight jacket. Angles front and rear ok. Nice topline and underline. Tailset good. Moves well in all directions. Reserve Best Bitch.
2nd Olliesorchids Vintage Fizz (Mr R & Mrs D Symons)
2 years and rising. Another bitch I liked very much and who’s to say that on another day these placings may not be reversed. Very nice feminine head,strong but not coarse. Super deep and well textured jacket. Front and rear assemblies were good. The total made for a  pleasing profile. Covered the ground efficiently.
3rd Digmoor Bright Sparkle (Mrs S V Regan)
Open Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st CH Orangebox A New Hope At Itsaso ShCEx (Miss L Tanton-Joy)
Stood alone but was nonetheless a worthy winner. Lovely grizzle girl a few months off her 5 birthday. Super feminine headpiece, lovely proportioned muzzle to skull, with very nice underjaw strength.. Ear size and placement good, neck of moderate length. Pin wire jacket, rib and loin making for a powerful combination. Tail set good, running off the spine as desired and a cracking short carroty tail to finish the picture. Moved very well and stood away in the line up..Pleased to award her Best Bitch.
Veteran Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st Gameway French Fancy Avec Orangebox (Mr M & Mrs T Anscombe)
A Â lovely, and lively, 7 year old grizzle girl. Nice head and expression. Really handy size and her proportions were spot on, lovely textured coat. Still sound on her legs and feet, moves out well. Not an easy decision between the 2 veteran winners but on the day the dog just had the edge.
2nd Clydebeck Solitaire VW (Mrs S & Mr M & Miss J Taylor)
Super 10 year old lady, larger cast than the 1st, but still in proportions, great to see her wise old face very much alert and focused on the job..Great coat with texture and plenty of pelt underneath it. Could still show the youngsters a thing or two.
3rd Queen Charlotte (Miss H M Chaplin)